224-310KW康明斯发电用发动机可靠性高:高强度合金铸造缸体、可锻铸铁(FCD) 活塞,刚性更好,降低振动和噪声,提高了发动机适应更高的爆发压力。
High reliability: intensified alloy casting cylinder and Ferrous Cast Ductile (FCD) piston provide engine a better rigidity performance and lower vibration & noise, and also make the engine adapt to higher explosion pressure.
康明斯发电用发动机燃油经济性好: 先进的燃油控制系统,独有的STC、ESTC 分级控制系统,特殊设计的活塞顶部燃烧室,高压喷射燃油,充分雾化,燃烧充分。
Good fuel economy: Advanced fuel control system, unique STC, ESTC step control system, specilly-designed piston topchamber and high pressure fuel injection lead to an excellent fuel consumption rate and emission performance of engine.
康明斯发电用发动机瞬态性能优异: 完美的发动机整体设计,配合康明斯独特的EFC系统,控制精度高,响应时间快。
Excellent transient performance: perfect overall engine design with unique Cummins EFC system, high precision on control and quick response time.
康明斯发电用发动机升功率高: 整体设计紧凑.外形布置合理,运行平稳。
High lift power: Integrated and compact design, reasonable layout and smooth operation.
电喷机型 QSNT. QSK19. QSK38. QSK50满足中国非道路第三阶段及北美Tier2. Tier 3排放法规要求。
Electric fuel injection engines (QSNT,QSK19,QSK38,QSK50) meet the Tier3 emission regulations for China non-road vehicles and Tier2 & Tier3 emission regulations of North America.
零备件可得性好, 发动机运行及维护保养便利,成本低。
Good availbility of spare parts, smooth engine operation, convenient engine maintenance and low cost.
发动机规格Engine Specifications
功率范围 Power Range 224-310KW
型式 Type 直列/六缸/四冲程/四气门 In-ine/6-Cylinder/4-Stroke/4-Valve
缸径x冲程 BoreX Stroke 125X 147mm
排量 Displacement 11L
外形尺寸 Dimension 长X宽X高(LXWX H) 1360 x 833X 1068 mm
净质量 Dry Weight 940kg
224-310KW康明斯发电用发动机的特点:体积小, 压缩比高, 格栅空气加热,易于启动,移动车载电源的首选。
Compact size, high compression ratio, gile heated by air, easy for start-up, the first option of mobile vehicle power supply.
推荐机型Engine Models Recommended
发动机型号 | 常用功率(kW) Prime Power | 备用功率kW) Standby Power |
MTA11-G2 | 224 | 246 |
MTAA11-G3 | 282 | 310 |
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