Cummins Inc. is one of the manufacturers with the longest history in engine manufacture. It has been 100 years of history since the first engine was produced in 1919. Currently, it is the largest and independent global engine manufacturer with leading technology.
拥有业内最为宽广的柴油和天然气发动机产品线,排量2.8~ 95升,功率范围46--4200马力。
With the extensive product lines of diesel engines and natural gas engines in the industry and the displacement of products is from 2.8L-95L and covers the power range varying from 46-4200hp.
康明斯发动机满足世界日益严格的汽车排放(美国US EPA 2007/2010.欧IV和欧V)非公路机动设备排放(Tier3以上)以及船机排放(国际海事组织IMO)标准,在激烈的市场竞争中,一直居于业内领先地位。
Cummins engines meet the increasingly stringent global vehicles emission standards (US EPA 2007/2010, Euro IV and Euro V), equipment emission standards of off-highway motor vehicles and International Maritime Organization (IMO) Standards of marine engines and hold the leading role all along in the fierce market competition
500 distribution branches in over 1 90 countries and regions and more than 6500 distribution network provide service to customers
Cummins engines have wide application in the fields of power, auto vehicle, construction machinery, marine craft, railcar and oil exploration etc..
The full product lines of Cummins entered into China, combining the localized production with the research & development,16 plants produced engines, power generators, generator sets and parts & components etc. and also established sound sales & service network.
重庆康明斯的质量、环境和职业健康安全管理体系均通过法国BV的认证,获得了IS09001、ISO/TS16949、ISO14001 和OHSAS18001认证证书。
CCEC obtained the Certification from authoritative Bureau Veritas, France and also obtained the ISO9001、ISO/TS1 6949、ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 certification.
CCEC execute China National Standards and Cummins Products Technology & Quality Standards strictly.
CCEC's suppliers have been put into Cummins quality control system and the supplying processes are performed based on Cummins technology and quality standards.
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