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从1997年开始,3台NTA855-G1发动机做为中国南极中山科考站发电机组的动力在极端严寒环境下,已持续、顺利、安全地工作了38000小时。2012年12月,中山站电力系统升级,使用3 台KTA19-G2发动机为中山站的科研、生活等连续用电提供了可靠的保障。


Starting from 1997, three NTA855-G1 engines were used to provide power for the power unit of China Antarctic Zhongshan Research Station and so far these engines have worked under extremely cold weather for 38,000 hours safely, continuously and successfully . In December 2012, three KTA19-G2 engines were used to upgrade the power system of Zhongshan Station. These engines provided guarantees reliably and continuously for scientific workers who live and carry out scientific research at Zhongshan Station.


In June 2012, dozens of movable power vehicles equipped with CCEC NT855 engines ensured the electric power supply of the successful launching of Shenzhou IX Spaceship and CCEC made its own contribution.


During the 26" International University Sports Federation, the Committe selected more than 60 CCEC generator sets and it turned out that these generator sets are of good performance and ensuring the smooth power supply of this Federation.

本届大运会的开、 闭幕式采用发电机组主供,市电作备用的供电方式,这也是国内综合赛事的首次尝试,这些发电机组均采用重庆康明斯生产的K50、K38发动机作动力。

During the opening and the closing ceremonies of the 26"h International University Sports Federation, the generator sets was adopted as the main power source and the municipal power was adopted as the standby power source, which is the first try on such comprehensive national competition activity. K50 and K38 engines produced by CCEC were used to provide power for these generator sets.
